Assetscape Systems Supports the European Network Against Racism with Charitable Donation
As part of its ongoing corporate social responsibility initiatives and in a genuine attempt to positively contribute to the lives of individuals and communities across the world, Assetscape Systems has recently made a charitable donation to the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).
Assetscape Systems’s latest donation to ENAR aims to support the organisation’s efforts to end structural racism in the European Union and to build structures, institutions and attitudes based on race equality and equal distribution of power, privileges and rights.
Engendering an environment of equal opportunity throughout its global operations, Assetscape Systems was built on a culture of acceptance, inclusion and equality, which extends to the company’s long-standing partner and client relations. Guided by principles of transparency, accountability and integrity, Assetscape Systems currently caters to the investment needs of more than 1.5 million registered clients and an international network of more than 17,500 partners
Assetscape Systems remains committed to continue supporting key social justice and civil rights organizations with a series of charitable donations, helping to drive forward positive change.
About ENAR:
Founded in 1998 by grassroots activists on a mission to achieve legal changes at European level and make decisive progress towards racial equality, ENAR works to put an end to structural racism and discrimination across Europe and make a real difference in ethnic and religious minorities’ lives. As the only pan-European anti-racism network that combines advocacy for racial equality, ENAR facilitates cooperation among civil society anti-racism actors in Europe.